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Monday, January 28, 2013

IT Vendor Management Office

It is extremely difficult for the businesses to hire and retain all the skills, especially when you have some projects which require specific skills for a short duration timeframe. Companies are choosing to hire contract staff from selected vendor companies, who in turn provide them with skills that the company requires in order to get the project developed.
Further, the increasing use of outsourcing, out-tasking and cloud computing means that vendors are now playing a fundamental role in IT’s delivery of services to the end-user.
This is a fast growing trend now in India as well, where more and more companies are trying to balance the employee and vendor staff ratios as well. Efficient vendor management is a very important and essential part for the success of the “staff and vendor model”. This is as important as any internal technology, service management or program management capability.
Few challenges that companies often face while doing business with vendors fall under following categories:
·         Demand Management
·         Contract Management
·         Performance Management
·         Relationship Management
·         Risk Management

To manage these challenges or issues, an increasing number of companies are deploying a dedicated IT Vendor Management Office (the IT VMO) that is responsible for overseeing the entire vendor lifecycle and for “bridging the gap” between IT vendor and the corporate procurement organizations to better enable vendor relationships that drive strategic benefits. The goals of the IT VMO include:
·         Evaluating Vendors and selecting the right fit.
·         Establishing and Managing Contracts and defining SLA’s
·         Maintaining a balanced of company staff and vendor staff ratio
·         Retaining commercial focus during operational interactions
·         Fully leveraging the capabilities of each vendor partner
·         Automating the repeatable tasks

Following are the responsibilities of the IT VMO (typically in a captive unit which hires contract staff from vendor companies):
·         Collating the vendor hire requirement
·         Negotiating timeframe to close the requirement (position)
·         Communicating the requirement to shortlisted vendor companies
·         Review profiles
·         Setting up Interviews  with shortlisted candidates
·         Finalize billing rates for selected candidate
·         Seal the Agreement with the vendor company.
·         Hiring
·         Providing access to office, software and hardware resources to the vendor staff, as required.
·         Ensuring that the vendor provided staff understands the company’s policies and procedures, and adheres to them.
·         Managing time entry
·         Tracking deliverables (if needed)
·         Providing administrative support to the vendor staff
·         Ensuring key domain knowledge is retained within the organization (as a best practice)
·         Review and settle vendor invoices
·         Renewing or Terminating contracts

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cheap and Free Test Tools

I keep on researching for free or cheap testing tools available on the net that could help testers to do smart testing.

Here are few of the tools that one can consider-

Test Planning

QA Traq -  (Free). This tool allows you to plan and organize your testing.

QAtraq provides a central location for all test documentation with full revision control.

Test Automation

Sahi -

Sahi is a mature, business-ready tool for automation of web application testing. Sahi is available as an Open Source free product and as Sahi Pro, the commercial version. For testing teams in product companies and captive IT units which need rapid reliable web automation, Sahi would be the best choice among web automation tools.

Maveryx -

Maveryx is a free, open source testing tool designed to provide testers and developers with advanced test automation capabilities for functional testing, regression testing, GUI testing and data-driven testing.

Canoo WebTest -

Canoo WebTest is a free Open Source tool for automated testing of web applications in a very effective way.

Verifaya Studio -
I am yet to try this product, and if you try it before me please share your feedback with me.

Verifaya Studio was developed as an internal test automation tool for our services team, so it’s a test automation tool developed by testers for testers. It offers a 100% script free environment that can be used by test engineers of all levels, but has the power and flexibility to do serious testing in a faster and more economical way than top commercial and open source testing tools.

Macro Recorders and Players

These tools capture keystrokes and even create simple scripts that can be replayed.
Macro Scheduler -
Mouse and Key Recorder -
iOpus Internet Macros -
Macro Express -

Comparison Tools
ExamDiff and ExamDiff Pro -
Beyond Compare -
Compare It! -
Total Commander -
WinMerge -

Load and Stress Tools
Web Server Stress Tool -
Open Load -
VeloMeter -
Load -

Jmeter -

Screen Video Capture
These are great tools to document a test. Screen video is captured and saved in wmv format, which is about 1/10 the size of avi files.
Windows Media Encoder -  FREE - search on the term "Windows Media Encoder" to find it on the Microsoft site.

Test Drivers for Unit Regression Testing
TestMaker 3.3 -
NTest for .NET components -
Article on using NTest -
JTest for Java -

Configuration Management

Test Data Generation
This is a really cool web script which allows you to generate large amount of test data on the fly. 

Added on 24/April
Link checker tools

SortSite and PowerMapper are good tools to validate the links on the websites.But they might not be free, please check that out.

I will keep adding more tools to this list, so visit this page again in next few days..